Sunday, December 20, 2009

Commitment to the Client

There needs to be communication and involvement on a very deep level between the architect and the owner. I want to know and assist in what the owner feels the purpose is for this structure and from this, the purpose for each room. Asking you, what do you want to achieve in this room, meaning the feelings and emotions – thus the true purpose of each room. This is often what people are hoping to achieve with the use of the principles of feng-shui, from which we add more elements and we ask: what do you want to achieve in these rooms, what feelings and emotions are the foundation for these spaces and therefore the basis for the design becomes; what is the intent for this structure as well as the intent of each individual room or area. Intent is the building block of the outcome. If the intent is clear, then the proper outcome can be achieved.
The totality of the wholeness of each project of Holistic Architecture, begins with a unique process that insures the flow of energy in each house. Just as there is a heart of the land, there is a heart of every home or business. Energy comes into the structure from the six directions; the north, south, east, west and below(the earth) and above (the sky and beyond) and will come together and be concentrated at this specific point. So, here is this powerful energetic force and what shall we do with it? Keep in mind powerful does not mean high energy – it is harmonious energy. Now the purpose of design and placement comes into clarity, we use this energy of what you desire into each room and the whole structure. It is utilizing and directing the energy that is already there, to enhance the energies and purpose of each room. Is it creativity? Communication? Or rest and meditation that you desire in the room? What assists in attracting the different energies into the different areas or rooms of each structure is first the clarity of the intent and then in setting the intent. The use of specific colors and materials al may also assist the movement of the energy from the heart of the house into the other rooms, just as blood- the life energy of the body - is pumped from the heart to the rest of the body. Since everything is energy a like vibratory frequency of the energy, the feeling you want in each room and the entire structure will be matched and attracted to each other. This may seem to some as “new age”, but it is actually far from it. In actuality, it is simply the use of Universal Laws of Energy as explained by the science of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics.
Holistic Architects

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