Holistic Architecture is designing a home or business incorporating my unique design elements; environmentally sustainable/green products and energy/physics into a cohesive wholeness to produce a physical, spiritual and emotional well-being into the design/ home/business.
What sets Holistic architecture apart from traditional architecture is completing the wholeness by adding the design element of energy – the understanding and utilization of the universal laws of energy. Another way of explaining this is that I am incorporating basic quantum physics, since quantum physics is the study and understanding of the universal laws of energy.
Everything is Energy. We all are aware of this basic tenet of science. Therefore we can utilize the energy in us and around us for our own and everyone’s benefit. One major aspect of quantum physics is that “like energy attracts like energy” – also known as the universal law of attraction. Therefore the exciting challenge is to design a building of like attraction with the energy of the Earth.
The Earth has an energy frequency and if you place a shape, a footprint that exists in nature on the Earth, you have like frequencies, a compatibility that produces balance and harmony. Utilizing energy does go well beyond the shape of the structure. To create this synchronization, energy needs direction. This has been my purpose in Holistic Architecture – through design, I am directing energy to create within a structure the essence of joy and fulfillment.